Brandberg White Lady Lodge
About Brandberg White Lady Lodge Damaraland
You have travelled! You have seen places! Brandberg White Lady Lodge in Damaraland will add to your travel experience through Damaraland. This is our promise.
Since its opening in 2004, Brandberg White Lady Lodge has become a destination of choice for nature orientated tourists looking for an experienced guide to take them on a wildlife safari in Damaraland.
Our clients visit us from all over the globe not only for our experience and professionalism but also for our hospitality in the Lodge, the friendliness of our staff and the tranquillity of the Damaraland Camp. Brandberg White Lady Lodge in Damaraland is a place where you will feel at home and enjoy a true warm-hearted hospitality and friendship. Whether you camp or stay in a chalet - there will be nothing you'll miss.
Here, at the foot of Namibia's highest Mountain, nothing has changed since the earth's early days. Clocks, cell phones and watches are not part of this world. Here, you have got time.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_masonry_media_grid grid_id="vc_gid:1521792748556-39cc4525-9146-8" include="50555,50554,50553,50552,50551,50550,50549,50548,50547,50546,50545,50544,50543,50542"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]
Address D2359, Uis, Namibia | Tel +264 (0) 64 684 004 or +264 (0)81 791 3117
| Email: [email protected] | Web: